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We are committed to reaching the next generation. We love seeing children enjoy coming to church and loving God! Everything we do in our children’s ministry is focused on bringing children to a real and active relationship with God at an early age. Activities, lessons and curriculum are carefully selected and thoroughly planned to ensure that God’s truth is communicated to your child in a way that is relevant to whichever stage of life they are in. Whatever age your child is, we have teaching suited for them.



Q: It’s my first time at CAYA, what do I do with my children during worship?


A: Some parents want to keep their children with them during the complete worship service. Others appreciate the age relevent teaching that is offered to children during part of the service. When you arrive, there will be greeter available to explain both options to you.  Should you decide to allow your child to take advantage of this age appropriate opportunity, there is a check-in station for all age groups where you will register your children. After your child is registered, you will be encouraged to take a tour of our children area to ensure your comfort.


Every worship service offers a brief children's message within the body of the main service.  Afterwards, there will be an opportunity for children to break off into their age appropriate groups led by adults and responsible teens.  


Q:  What are your procedures for keeping my children safe and accounted for after they break off into their groups?


A: We have systems in place to keep your chidren safe. Children cannot be picked up by any person without the security tag given to the parent who drops them off. They must also be signed in and out by you.  Additional, you as a parent, can be notified at any time if you are needed by your child. We strive to provide a safe environment for your children while they are at CAYA Ministries of Rochester.


If you have any addional questions, please ask an usher or contact the church office at 585-484-1679.

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