30 Day Random Acts of Kindness Initiative - January 20, 2025 - February 17, 2025
Between the dates of September 26 - October 25, we invite you to perform one act of kindness for someone that you don't know. Sometime before the end of each day, email us at cayarochester@gmail.com and let us know how you showed kindness to a stranger. We in turn, will share some of your ideas and comments on this CAYA website.
This 30 Day Random Acts of Kindness Initiative is a kindness project that encourages and challenges us to change our world around us through random acts of kindness. This initiative is based upon Hebrews 13:2, which reminds us that each time that we entertain or show hospitality to strangers, we could be entertaining angels and not even know it.
Here are some things to keep in mind. Whatever you do, don’t do it for reward or recognition. This is not about getting applause or financial payment of some kind. Sometimes there are things that we should do regardless of whether there is human appreciation. But we are to do it because God has called us to do it. Don’t let the fact that someone may not say thank you, stop you from doing it. Also, if someone asks why you are doing it, let them know that you are doing it simply because you want to share the love of Jesus.
To help you get started, here are some ideas of things that you can do. We are excited and look forward to hearing about your random acts of kindness to strangers.
Random acts of kindness suggestions
Make a positive comment on someone’s facebook page
Help someone load groceries at the grocery store
Write a thank you note to someone
Take neighbor’s garbage can back up to their house
Allow someone to go in front of you in line
Give up a good parking space to another driver
Buy someone a cup of coffee or tea
Pay for the person behind you at the store or at a fast food restaurant
Buy a free movie ticket for the next person in line at the theatre
Say “thank you” to a service personnel or a man or woman in uniform
If you see a car parked with a veteran license plate, write a quick note of appreciation and leave it under the wiper.
Drop some bagels or doughnuts to your hair dresser or barber and ask them to share with their clients.
Send someone a letter. Yes, a letter versus an email or a text.
Smile at someone that you don’t know and wish them a happy day
Let your teacher know that you appreciate the way that he or she explained a particular subject
When receiving great service at a store, restaurant, or other establishment, ask to speak to the manager and let the manager know in front of that employee, how much you appreciated the service that you received
Pick up a small tab for someone
Give a hug (where appropriate). Use caution with this one
Leave a coupon next to a product in a store for a product that you are not going to use yourself
Cook a meal for someone just because…
Say thank you to your bus driver
Help that student in school that accidentally dropped a handful of books.
Praise a parent for the behavior of their child
Encourage a parent who is having a difficult time handling a child
Offer to pray or someone
Pat someone on the back
Share a snack
Offer a few hours of free babysitting to someone (or a couple) who needs some time out
Pay for one load of laundry at the laundromat for a complete stranger
Thank a coach for his/her commitment to the team
Send a care package to someone’s child who is away at college
Make someone laugh
Help someone move
Be generous with sincere compliments
Make someone laugh
Thank people who touch your life, even for the little things
Visit someone in a nursing home
Hold the door open for someone and wish them a great day
Acts of Kindness from participants