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Neighborhood Appreciation Day 2019 will be held on August 18 from 3:00 - 6:00 pm.

Events to include a magic show, pony rides, bounce house, a balloon artist, martial arts demonstration, games, crafts, food, community information tables, live music, line dancing and more!

This event is offered free of charge to the community. 

30 Day Random Acts of Kindness Initiative - Sept 26-Oct 25

Between the dates of September 26 - October 25, we invite you to perform one act of kindness for someone that you don't know. Sometime before the end of each day, email us at and let us know how you showed kindness to a stranger. We in turn, will share some of your ideas and comments on this CAYA website.

This 30 Day Random Acts of Kindness Initiative is a kindness project that encourages and  challenges us to change our world around us through random acts of kindness. This initiative is based upon Hebrews 13:2, which reminds us that each time that we entertain or show hospitality to strangers, we could be entertaining angels and not even know it. 

Here are some things to keep in mind. Whatever you do, don’t do it for reward or recognition. This is not about getting applause or financial payment of some kind. Sometimes there are things that we should do regardless of whether there is human appreciation. But we are to do it because God has called us to do it. Don’t let the fact that someone may not say thank you, stop you from doing it. Also, if someone asks why you are doing it, let them know that you are doing it simply because you want to share the love of Jesus.


To help you get started, here are some ideas of things that you can do. We are excited and look forward to hearing about your random acts of kindness to strangers.

Random acts of kindness suggestions

  • Make a positive comment on someone’s facebook page

  • Help someone load groceries at the grocery store

  • Write a thank you note to someone

  • Take  neighbor’s garbage can back up to their house

  • Allow someone to go in front of you in line

  • Give up a good parking space to another driver

  • Buy someone a cup of coffee or tea

  • Pay for the person behind you at the store or at a fast food restaurant

  • Buy a free movie ticket for the next person in line at the theatre

  • Say “thank you” to a service personnel or a man or woman in uniform

  • If you see a car parked with a veteran license plate, write a quick note of appreciation and leave it under the wiper.

  • Drop some bagels or doughnuts to your hair dresser or barber and ask them to share with their clients.

  • Send someone a letter. Yes, a letter versus an email or a text.

  • Smile at someone that you don’t know and wish them a happy day

  •   Let  your teacher know that you appreciate the way that he or she explained a particular subject

  • When receiving great service at a store, restaurant, or other establishment, ask to speak to the manager and let the manager know in front of that employee, how much you appreciated the service that you received

  • Pick up a small tab for someone

  • Give a hug (where appropriate). Use caution with this one

  • Leave a coupon next to a product in a store for a product that you are not going to use yourself

  • Cook a meal for someone just because…

  •  Say thank you to your bus driver

  • Help that student in school that accidentally dropped a handful of books.

  • Praise a parent for the behavior of their child

  • Encourage a parent who is having a difficult time handling a child

  • Offer to pray or someone

  • Pat someone on the back

  • Share a snack

  • Offer a few hours of free babysitting to someone (or a couple) who needs some time out

  • Pay for one load of laundry at the laundromat for a complete stranger

  • Thank a coach for his/her commitment to the team

  • Send a care package to someone’s child who is away at college

  • Make someone laugh

  • Help someone move

  • Be generous with sincere compliments

  • Make someone laugh

  • Thank people who touch your life, even for the little things

  • Visit someone in a nursing home

  • Hold the door open for someone and wish them a great day


Acts of Kindness from participants

Hello everyone,

In completing the last day of this initiative, I did two things.  I did extra work for a co-worker to help her finish a job.  I also said comforting words to another co-worker whose father is still having major health concerns after nine months of illness.  I had overheard her telling someone else and wanted to let her know that we will be praying for him.  She truly appreciated the offer.  So.. his name is Mr. Tomczak and he is elderly and chronically ill.  They are seeking a nursing facility that has a ventilator for his use as he needs it.  Please pray for her as well since she is an only child.  Her name is Kim.  This has been a great experience and I plan to keep it going past the 30 days!  Have a blessed day! 

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I got the newspaper that was mistakenly delivered to upstairs rack for neighbor who can't walk upstairs easily.

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Hello everyone,

My Random Act today involved traffic. I was in a bit of a hurry to get to an appointment.  However, I let someone go out in front of me from a side street.  They waved and smiled. I was not really delayed too much at all, and I was able to give someone else some joy.  Have a great day!

Have a blessed day. 

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I let someone get ahead of me in line Monday at the curbside market.

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I stopped for lunch Sunday afternoon at Burger King by myself and after sitting down with my meal, I felt that there was someone standing behind me. When I looked, there was a woman who asked if I could buy her something to eat, since she hadn't eaten for some time. I said. of course and asked her to follow me to the counter at which time she ordered what she wanted. I'm glad that I didn't just give her money because what I was planning to give her monetarily would not have covered what she ordered. After she sat down in the restaurant, I had a feeling that maybe  I should have given her more to cover a meal later. Of course, I don't always act on my feelings or small voice which is urging me to act. Then it's too late. I pray that she was able to find a person later that day that shows Christ compassionate nature.

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An elderly woman passed me and I noticed she had a beautiful hand painted walking cane. I told her how pretty it was and she told me her son had painted it for her. About 10 minutes later she returned and introduced me to the son who had painted it.  We had a nice chat and he told me about the kinds of art work he had done before retiring.

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Hello everyone.  I had to visit another shut in facility to take library books to the residents yesterday.  It was raining hard when I left the library, and the residents appreciated me coming anyway.  As I was entering the facility, I noticed a car parked in the handicapped spot with flashing lights on.  I suspected that the person was coming right back out.  However, when I left to go back to the library 20 minutes later, the lights were still flashing and the car was still empty. By now it was really coming down.  But I got a nudge from the Holy Spirit to forget about myself and let the receptionist know about the car.  I did get plenty wet (I was able to keep the books dry, however}.  But the receptionist was very grateful for my efforts.  I know it was a little thing, but it could have made a big difference to someone else.  Stay dry and be blessed!

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Hello everyone.  I have been bringing in treats anonymously for my co-workers to enjoy. I enjoy their appreciation for such simple activities!  I also encouraged a disabled lady who having difficulty shopping in Walmart while using a cane.  Her attitude was amazing and I told her so!  I am having so much fun trying to find someone to bless every day. Maybe this is what I need to be doing all the time!

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We do this all the time, but didn't realize it was an act of kindness. Since, there is only two of us eating a meal, we usually have some leftovers. Taking a portion to one of our relatives is always a surprise. Today, I purchased an item for lunch that was offered as buy one, get the second one free. I know someone that participates in sports and is always hungry and would appreciate the added treat. (Actually I had a couple of opportunities today to give it away instead of money)

We once had a plate that read around the edge "Friends & Family Plate" In the center it described to pass it on around the neighborhood with a home made dish. Who knows how far it would travel.

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Thanks for electronic calendars that remind you of important dates, events, etc. It reminded me of Boss Day. Of course I had to rush out and get something last minute, since the reminder wasn't backed up a few days. Getting something you know they will enjoy, I believe is an act of kindness, letting them know that you put some thought into the event.

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I took new door-tags to two neighbors who needed them,

and I moved two recycling bins that were too close to the dumpster.

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Hello everyone.  I have been bringing in treats anonymously for my co-workers to enjoy. I enjoy their appreciation for such simple activities!  I also encouraged a disabled lady who having difficulty shopping in Walmart while using a cane.  Her attitude was amazing and I told her so!  I am having so much fun trying to find someone to bless every day. Maybe this is what I need to be doing all the time!

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Sometimes you can be doing an act of kindness without realizing it, like yesterday my wife & I went to our grandson's cross country meet and we clapped for the other school's runners along with the last runners to come in last still giving them encouragement. Each runner is doing their best without falling out of the race. God bless those that support our children in their efforts in life.

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I made a positive comment on someone's facebook page.

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I picked up trash that was on the ground before an outreach program and got food for someone who wasn't able to.

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I have written a note to Wegmans regarding two employees regarding the great jobs they were doing. Yesterday, while in NYC I offered to "stand on line" for an older gentleman who was in a lot of leg pain so that he could sit down until it was "his turn". Have a great day everyone!

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Over the last few days, again I've made a number of funeral home deliveries of which I've prayed for the families to have peace. I helped someone in the Wegman's foyer retrieve her cane that she dropped. While inside the grocery store someone in a motorized cart asked me to read the expiration date on a coupon. These acts are all simple things to do that don't necessarily witness to strangers about Christ, but does express God's love whether they believe or not. 

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Hello folks. Everyone has a sweet tooth at my job. So an anonymous bunch of donut holes were enthusiastically received! It was so much fun witnessing the simple joy. 

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I picked up some trash on my walk around the property. I wished a happy day to the people I saw on my walk.

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 I held the door open for someone and wished them a great day.

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A homeless  black guy I see standing outside of rite aid asks for money so I gave him 10 dollars he said he is a vet from Iraq so I thanked him for his service and wished him well 

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I invited a new neighbor to our church, and I told someone their car door was open.

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Sometimes our random acts are appreciated.  Sometimes they are not.  However, we are to give His love and grace anyway because that is the right thing to do.  A young man was gathering carts to push inside the store while I completed shopping rather late one night.  He had gathered all the carts in that area and we had to unload our cart, thus creating one more. Rather than leave it in the cart rack near us, I decided to push it over to him to lighten his work.  He didn't acknowledge my attempt to help him.  I still felt good about doing it anyway.  Yesterday I met a budding artist and gave her many compliments for her work which I was able to see at a party I attended,  She is just beginning her career in this area and she told me I made her day! God bless you all!  Go give!  

                                                                                      Submitted by Marion

I took a magazine from the mail rack up to our upstairs neighbor who doesn't like me.

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A young black guy around 20 asked me to buy him some cheeseburgers from Wendy's I did he thanked me and left the restaurant 

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I held the door open for a neighbor and wished him a great day.

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Today, after doing come painting, mowing the lawn and trimming some bushes, I cleaned up and went to my grandson's cross country meet in Penfield. We always try to support our grandkids in anything they do. I guess this is kindness to someone we know and love. We consider ourselves blessed that they live so close that allows us to do this.

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I swept up some broken glass that was by our dumpster.

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Today, Pat and I took our nephew out for breakfast, played scrabble and rummy (like we did on our visits with him at Groveland, although there wasn't any vending machines closing for a period of time). While he was here, he did his laundry. Then we dropped him off for a doctor's visit.

Later, in the evening we called my sister out of concern of her safety along the path of the latest hurricane "Matthew" on the coast.

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Hello folks,

I have a few days to catch up!  On Wednesday, I complimented an older woman on her choice of accessories.  On yesterday, I offered to pick up a co-worker and take her home while her car was being repaired.  Her son has a five speed which she could have driven. But I saw how much she disliked driving it.  She appreciated the offer and took me up on it.  This morning I went to Dunkin' Donuts and got a pack of k cup pods for our machine at work.  And it is a delicious French Vanilla flavor that most of my co-workers will appreciate.  They will not know who bought them either!  It's so much fun and so many blessings come my way through the people God has me notice around me.  We can always share kindness, and it usually costs us nothing!  Have a blessed day! 

                                                                                            Submitted by Marion

Today, I stopped to Walmart to pick up a few things when one of the items didn't have a price tag on it. Don't you hate it when this happens? Well, I checked out all the other items and took them to the car. Then I decided that I didn't want to stop at another store to get this item and went back into the store, got an identical item with a price tag on it which could be scanned. As I was in line, a man behind me started a conversation with me stating that he was from Florida, on a fixed income and expressed his opinion on the checkout lines at Walmart and how they would learn a lot from Wegman's procedures. Even though, we didn't talk about anything religious, we wished each other a great day. Did God make this delay in my day so I would have the opportunity to speak with this man? Some times, we reflect back on our day and can see how God has been with you in your decisions even though you may not have prayed.

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I held the door open for someone and told them to have a great day.

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Hello everyone.  My random act yesterday involved another elderly person I serve in my shut-in library visits.  This one resident runs a book discussion group in her facility every month.  She usually calls me and asks for a couple of books which are not among the ones I bring to her facility.  This time she called right after I had gone for the month. Rather than have her wait for my next visit on October 20th, I took the book over to her.  She is always so appreciative of the extra time I give her to get the materials to run her book.  It only cost me a little time and a few steps from my car once I arrived at her facility to give her the item.  It's so easy to bless others!  Have a blessed  day!

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Yesterday, I happen to see our favorite mail carrier on our street with a sucker stick in his mouth. As in the past, we have left him items to eat in our mail box like Kit Kats &  other candy with a note to wish him well.

Since the weather is expected to be warm for the next few days and most candy would melt in the mailbox, I put a batch of tootsie roll pops with ribbons and a note that read, "Have a blessed day!" in the mail box with the flag up. Hopefully, he likes tootsie roll pops. Sometimes, getting an encouragement from someone gets you through the day.

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Hello brothers and sisters.  The last couple of days have been very busy.  But never too much to bless someone else.  I smiled at a harried mom of young kids.  I complimented an elderly woman on her choice of outfits. And I encouraged a recreation therapist who works with Alzheimer's patients at St Ann's.  All three times blessed me as well too. Let's keep spreading the love and the message of Christ's love by our actions. Have a blessed day! 

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Hello everyone. As I mentioned before, part of my job at the library is to bring large print books to shut-in facilities.  I visit 8 of these each month.  Yesterday I saw a resident who I hadn't seen in a few months. It was so great to see her!  She is such an avid reader and I had been missing our chats about the books she loved to read as she selected new ones.  I told her how much I missed her and how glad I was to see her again.  The smile she gave me was beautiful!  It made my day seeing her again and I hope I blessed her with my acknowledgements and my selections.  It kept me smiling all day as well. It's funny how when we uplift others, it does the same for us!  Have a blessed day!

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Today I had the opportunity to help a homeless man on Ridge Rd West. We both said the same thing "God Bless you" in the few moments that we had on the road together. Hopefully, he knows the God whom he expressed. Later, as I was in my favorite store (Wegmans) that I visit almost every day and  was on my way out of the store when a person in front of me took their bag out of the cart and left it in the middle of the exit. Why do people do things like this? As a follower of Christ, sometimes we have to cover for those that have less interest in people around them.

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I happened to see the counselor of one of our residents;  explained to him why I thought the resident should be in a group home. I also encouraged a resident to start attending church in our community room again.

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Yesterday I helped coworker put up her stock while waiting for mine to be brought out. I held door open for those behind me.

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Today, unexpected acts came about. First, Picking someone up for church & finding that they were not going. Second, I had to run to the store to get items to allow a certain part of the service to be performed. Agreed to take my granddaughter, home from college, shopping at the mall. Lastly, on the way home drove up to a person asking for help and gave them an envelope which had on the outside printed" to a child of God" and inside was a McDonald's gift card with a note that said " Just sharing the love of Christ". I told him this as I handed the envelope to him. I have had this envelope in the car all week and this was the first opportunity to use it. God is awesome! Always looking forward to his plans that get revealed.

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Today, before I left work, I asked a fellow worker how her husband was doing. He has been doing home dialysis for some time now and is on a waiting list for a kidney transplant. She indicated that he was getting a new portal and still was on the waiting list after being off for awhile due to having heart problems which would be  a risk for a transplant. I have asked her in the past and am generally interested. I know she grew up in a faith, but somehow lost it along life's journey. Hopefully, I can get up enough courage to share my faith with her. I'm sure this has been a stress filled time for them. Sometime, God will give me the right words to share.

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Hello brothers and sisters.  The last couple of days have been very busy.  But never too much to bless someone else.  I smiled at a harried mom of young kids.  I complimented an elderly woman on her choice of outfits. And I encouraged a recreation therapist who works with Alzheimer's patients at St Ann's.  All three times blessed me as well too. Let's keep spreading the love and the message of Christ's love by our actions. Have a blessed day!

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Today I gave a stranger a 25% off coupon for the store we were shopping in.

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Today, I  directed a couple of school aged J-walkers across the street safely, prayed for a person I saw during my travels on the sidewalk that was in a wheel chair with one leg & finally when I made a delivery at a funeral home for a family's loved one, I prayed that God comfort them and give them peace. I have been doing this for some time now even though I don't personally know the family.

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I picked up some twigs and papers on my walk around our buildings.

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Helped  a coworker in another department pull two overloaded carts.

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I looked up something on the Internet for a neighbor.

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I cleaned part of our outer hall. (It's the maintenance man's job.

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I told a women she was wearing a beautiful knitted scarf. She said that her grandmother had knitted it for her and her grandmother would be pleased that others liked it.

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Today, since I have the day off, I went to do a number of errands after dropping off my grandson at school. I happen to stop to the local dry cleaners & started a conversation with the clerk about the "Make-a Wish" box of candy on the counter. I found out that she knew  a child that had beat cancer and I of course shared Kailee's story. Then she added how she got involved with the Make-A-Wish program. So I purchased a couple of boxes and took them two stores over to Bagels Etc. (where I stop in the morning for coffee when I'm working) & gave the candy to their clerks to share along with wishing them a great day. I don't know why I find it so difficult to tell them that I'm sharing the love of Jesus even though I'm doing it. I'll gain confidence over time with the help from the Holy Spirit.

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I greeted a co-worker as she came in to work today.  She commented about the flag being at half-staff today and how it was troubling her. She is not one who cries very easily.  As I went over to talk with her further, I remembered that her 19 year old son is joining the army in a couple of weeks and all her fears for him came to a head this morning.  I went over and hugged her (I felt comfortable doing this with her) and told her that I and our church will be praying her and him through this.  She was most appreciative even though she is not a believer, yet.  There is so much need, pain and fear all around us. I am so glad I was able to help her a little today.  God bless you!

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Today, I guess you can have acts of kindness on the highway. I was traveling west on Ridge Road, RT104 near the 390N/S ramps. Most local people are aware that you need to be in one of the far right two lanes. Well, there happens to be a car in the far left lane that needs to get over at least two lanes in heavy traffic. Well I held up traffic to let this car get over the two lanes and happily enter the ramp of his choice. Of course, he thanked me with a wave of the hand, which I have done numerous times. Although there wasn't any words exchanged, kindness was exchanged.

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I helped a neighbor find someone he was looking for. I also made someone laugh.

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A favorite part of my job is taking large print books to shut facilities in Penfield.  Today I went to GrandVie and took some books.  I decided to use the balance of the wind twirls from our Neighborhood Appreciation Day to spread some joy.  As I passed out the twirlers, the residents faces lit up, and one of them said "God bless you!" and began telling me of all the places she had lived before.  I felt so good passing out smiles, books, and wind twirlers!  I hope God was smiling too!  Have a blessed day.  It doesn't take much to uplift someone else.

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Yesterday I was at Staples. The cashier was apologizing because  the register was taking so long to process my transaction. I told her that I too work with electronic gadgets and many times they take longer to use than expected and I was in no hurry. She smiled and thanked me.

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A few days ago a man came to my department looking for marbles. We looked in the floral section and I could not find anything that would pass for marbles. Shortly after he left I found them pushed to the back. I knew that he was going to the toy department to see if they had any. I went there with the bag I had found. He thanked me for searching for him and delivering the marbles.

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My husband wanted me to watch part of his video game;  I stayed and watched.

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I have not been adding my acts of kindness to the site but someone asked me to include a few of mine so I will do so. Yesterday I was in Savers and I there was an elderly person in line in front of me. I asked the cashier to include her purchase with me and she was so grateful. that was the best $6.00 that I spent all of this week.

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When I went into Wegmans, I saw a lady in one of those motorized carts looking at some jewelry on a rotating stand. I first went past her with my cart & then circled back and said to her that anything she would pick out would look fantastic on her.

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As some of you know, Pastor Herb encouraged me to take a group piano lesson class on Monday mornings before I go to work at 1:00 pm. I was fearful and not very optimistic.  Today, however, changed my outlook. Our wonderful teacher makes everything so plain and fun, that I enjoy the assignments so far.  I was so overcome with things clicking in my understanding and recollection of all I had learned today, that I was near tears!  I approached her and thanked her for the lesson and I felt compelled to give her a hug which she readily accepted.  When I shared this with Pastor, he told me that this was one random act of kindness for the monthly initiative.  I honestly felt that I was supposed to thank her and hug her.  Just follow your heart in this. And do the kind thing the Holy Spirit impresses upon you to do.  Have a blessed day!

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I spoke with a woman at the market who was distressed regarding her 43 year old son being terminally ill.  I promised (and did)  pray for both her son and her.

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Well, I was all set to give a gift card to a homeless person along one of the expressway ramps, but didn't find one today during my travels. (another day) Although I did hear the serious flooding about to happen in Iowa, so I prayed for the water not to crest on the river and not to devastate the people alone this area.

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I always see parents and children at my job in the library.  Many times the children are unruly,  and the parent is exasperated. Today the child was polite, and I complimented the parent and thanked the child. Everyone was all smiles! 

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I offered to and prayed for someone at our seniors complex. He thanked me.

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